Day : Now after some questions were bought up, every 4th Saturday, but i will post a week before to let everyone know.
Time : Usally about 2:00 PM to when ever.... we have still been there sunday afternoon playing.
Cost : $5 (This pays for the room hire)
Gaming : Open to most games, mainly first person shooters. All we ask is that every 1 play the same game as the TEAM factor with the BosS Lan is the main advantage.
Games : Delta Force Black Hawk Down, Americas Army, Call of Duty, Day Of Defeat
Server : Well over the years we have used many servers but now we use a AMD 1800+ Laptop that does the job very well as its only hosting 1 game at a time.
Network : 1X24 port 10/100 Managed switch 2X8 port Switches (depending on the amount of people that turn up). Also because we play 2 rooms at once, meaning that 18 vs 18, Team vs Team, we use a 24 port mobile Connection (link) between the rooms consisting of 18 cat 5 cables so every player comes back to the switch on thier own cat5 cable (no bottle necks)
Team Work : This seems the biggest thing about our LAN because you are totaly seperated from the other Team they cant hear you and you cant hear them makes for a good tatical game.
Rules : we have 2 : NO CHEATING : NO DAMAGING OTHER PEOPLES EQUIPMENT. As for anything else i dont care, we are there to have a good time not get tied down with bull shit.!
File Sharing : (as was just said to me) "how else would people get the games they need to play" {Anach 2003}, Everyone gets stuck into the file sharing at tea time, this is the best time to get what you want, as people get shitty when there is no bandwidth left to play the game. If you Need patches or install disks thats not a problem we will give you all the software you need.
Teams : The Teams are made up on the night, Room 1 and Room 3, if there is a team you would rather play on let me know and ill slot you in. Some time this cant happen as we like to keep the teams Even so it doesnt become a FLOG FEST, no one like getting smashed time after time so we try to level the player talent out.
Tea TIme : Most of the time its about 9:00, Tea room is provided to make coffee or keep beer cold, There is also a Nuke Oven and Urn.
KIDS: No Kids, they drive me and everyone fucking nuts: END OF
Comfort : Yes there is plenty of it, Both rooms are carpeted and have central heating with nice padded chairs.

Have Fun : Why not, thats what we are there for.
Website : We used to have one , and you dont need to know the story of why it was taken down. And it WONT be put up again.
Clan Games : If you have a clan or a group of people that would like a team challenge then drop me a E-Mail or a post here and ill arrange a Clan game of upto 18 Players per side.
PS. Make sure you add yourself to the BOSS LAN group in "Usergroups" if you want to attend or are already a member. So you can recieve emails from the group.
=CRUSH=-{BosS}- "Adrian"