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Upcoming console games
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:08 am
by Hotblack
I just got back from a week in Vegas at my companies (Game Crazy) sales conference. I literally played every major game hitting in the next six months including Force Unleashed, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, Far Cry 2 (lotta sequels this year I just noticed), Little Big Planet, Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat vs DC, Madworld, and on and on...
Anyway if any of you have any questions about a particular title, theres a good chance I have spent at least a half hour or so playing it.
I have to tell you the new Guitar Hero is freaking cool with the music creation tools, and Dead Space is FREAKING good looking. It could be this years Bioshock, a game that takes everyone by surprise.
They didnt have any news about the Bioware MMO, but the EA reps let some interesting things slip when I liquored em up, but I value my job so theres no way in hell Ill go into that stuff on a forum lol.
I did get some time with a couple of lower ranking Warhammer Online devs. Bottom line on Warhammer is think of it as another game in the same genre as wow. Sandbox games like SWG in my opinion aren't even in the same genre as whack a mole games like WoW and LOTRO. If you are big into sandbox gameplay there isn't much on the horizon other than Earthrise. If you don't mind the whack a mole style gameplay Warhammer is quite a good one.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:04 am
by Istik
Im only interested in Fable 2 and Force Unleashed and only if there is going to be a PC version, which I imagine there will be sometime after they release the console version, as they seem to do these days.
Right now im looking forward to spore and fallout 3.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:49 am
by swalmy
I want your job
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:19 am
by Toucan
the mob forums are private mate, feel free to spill there!
on my list right now
mercs 2
fable 2
fifa 09
marvel ultimate alliance 2
any of those?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:13 am
by Hotblack
Played both Fable 2 and Force Unleashed extensively. Outstanding games both, there's a demo of FU on the 360 marketplace, and fable pub games, (which I might have a few spare codes for btw). I asked about PC versions for both. No current plans for FU but nothign stopping them from doing it. Fable will be at least a year, theres a x360 excusivity agreement, but Microsoft could choose to allow a Games for Windows branded version, but I wouldnt hold your breath.
Best PC games I saw were Fallout 3 (played it on 360 though) Spore and Warhammer Online. Most of you guys will hate Warhammer, but I don't mind WoW style games. Its basically wow with a much better pvp, lore, leveling and questing system.
Fallout 3 kicks SERIOUS ass. Exceeded my wildest expectations.
Final Fantasy on the 360 looks AMAZING. wasnt playable yet but saw a in game demonstration. If you enjoy FF games Infinite Undiscovery is pretty fun and pretty to look at.
I think I liked the new Pro Evolution Soccer (winning 11) better than FIFA, and thats saying something since I have a pretty close relationship with EA Sports. 2K Hockey kicks ass also.
Mercenaries 2 is about the same game as 1 with nicer graphics. Fun as hell but no COD4. That could be a good thing.
Ultimate Alliance 2 was a EARLY build so hard to say but I like the direction they are taking it. Story sounds deeper than the first one.
As far as wanting my job did I mention there was a porn expo upstairs from us? I had coffee at starbucks in the casino with Ron Jeremy and met Jenna Haze in the elevator. And the games rooms had open bars. Yeah its a hard life.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:27 am
by Toucan
jenna haze looks like my ex
how did i fuck that one up
pub games codes you say?
i wasnt to enthralled by TFU's demo, but i'm still hoping the full game is better
mercs 2 is no cod4?
cod4 is rapidly taking over halo as the most over rated game in history
i loved the 1st mercs game, and that exactly what i want. more of the same but prettier
as for the whole pro evo vs fifa, i was always a pro evo man. but fifa really stepped it up last year and made a better game.
plus the licenicing
when your a big football fan and you are playing against "manchester reds" it kinda takes something away from it
although they did have the might glasgow rangers in pro evo last year
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:00 am
by Istik
Toucan wrote:jenna haze looks like my ex
how did i fuck that one up
Cause you kept calling her Jenna, or expecting her to behave like Jenna?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:26 pm
by Toucan
she didnt have a problem acting like her
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:12 pm
by Flatulance
What exactly is your job hotblack?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:05 pm
by Lores
Dragon Age, Scared 2, Spore?
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:25 pm
by Hotblack
Lores wrote:Dragon Age, Scared 2, Spore?
Sacred 2 and Dragon Age were not represented. I did ask about them and was told they were too early in development to produce builds with an acceptable level of polish for a demo without delaying development.
Spore is really really neat. It needs to be a console game though. Honestly think it is could it not be...but a hella lot of fun. But its the kind of fun I'd rather have on the couch than the desk chair.
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:26 pm
by Hotblack
Toucan wrote:pub games codes you say?

I'll see what I have left at the store when I recover from my hangover enough to go in. Technically I have off till Monday, but Ill probably not be able to resist going in that long.
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:17 pm
by Sparhawke
Hey man, you need an assistant or anything?:)
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:30 am
by Hotblack
Flatulance wrote:What exactly is your job hotblack?
I manage a video game store.
Oh and Toucan check yer PM I left ya a little something in there.