alright my MOB family DSO as we are now calling it is great,
story line interesting: check
graphics great: check
flight great: check
invative flight control: check
lots of goodies for the ship: check
by flight control i mean, if you have a programable joystick use it if you got it, strafe, pitch, roll, reverse thrust, boost, you name it you can do (but you cant play multiplayer or fight like in BSG

) for 30 bucks it's a deffinate buy plus you have 300+ star systems to fly around in plus some side missions dirt side (fancy lingo for on planet)
only draw back i can really find is that if you get really invlolved with the story line it's difficult to go back to other system, but to correct that always land on the systems space stations, but if you dont it has the occasional mishap of crashing to the desktop and when it tells you what the hell happened... It's in German
i bought it wednesday and have played it for a grand total of 24 hours in 4 days

The wisest of all men never knows what he's talking about when he says it therefore drunk people are geniuses