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What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:02 am
by Lores
To put it in perspective, mmo's cost $15 a month.
The notoriously slow Congress passed the $787 billion economic stimulus package in a matter of weeks. President Obama signed it into law less than one month into his presidency.
So, just how soon will Americans start reaping the benefits of tax cuts in it?
By April 1, according to the president.
"Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address.
He said the Treasury Department has begun directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from people's paychecks in accordance with the new law, and that in six weeks, a typical family will start taking home at least $65 more every month.
Obama says his signature "Making Work Pay" tax break will affect 95 percent of working families.
The $400 credit for individuals is to be doled out through the rest of the year. Couples are slated to get up to $800. Most workers are to see about a $13 per week increase in their take-home pay. In 2010, the credit would be about $7.70 a week, if it is spread over the entire year. ... l/100days/
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:26 am
by Toucan
you can send me some beer
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:06 am
by Parrot
I'm sorry a six pack cost me 8.99 and they are only givine me 7.00 more a week, I still want be able to afford six pack paid for by my tax cut...
Now if I could only get them to cut my property tax, get the insurance industy under control. ( House, car, ect ). stop all the stupid law suits in America, get ride of political correctness, and the hiring people based on their minorities...Damn America I am moving to France, never mind they haven't won a war yet..maybe a french polynesian island ( atleast the food would be good )
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:11 am
by swalmy
We have officailly become a joke of a nation, comrade
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:43 am
by Toucan
that happened around 1776

Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:37 am
by Parrot
Scotland took the same path on 1st May 1701
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:40 am
by Toucan
we'd been taken over before you were even invented
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:16 am
by Parrot
We don't get taken over, thanks to all the red necks with guns...all I have to say is 2 words. Red Dawn, come and get some if you want it..
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:30 am
by Toucan
saved by teens with mullets
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:40 am
by Parrot
I'm sure there is a picture somewhere of you in spandex sporting a mullet...
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:49 am
by Toucan
nope never did
i'm too young!
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:02 am
by Parrot
Damn I'm sorry for ya, you missed out on a good decade..
Roos (Kangaroo tennis shoes)
Legwarmers worn over jeans
charm necklaces
Yo-Yo Sandals
jeans with the zippers up the legs
Aqua Net Hairspray
The British Invasion (U2, Duran Duran, Culture Club, A-Ha, etc)
Swatch Watches
Apple Computers
Rubik's Cube
Strawberry Shortcake
Guys with one earring
Care Bears
Jelly Shoes
Simon (the game)
Shasta soda
Neon (clothings, bracelets, signs, etc.)
Scrunch Socks
Schoolhouse Rock
Friendship Bracelets
Josie and the Pussycats
HOT stickers
Sock Sweat Bands
Mullets and Rat tails (long strip of hair in back of neck)
Slap Bracelets
Dungeons and Dragons
Hanging out at Video Arcades
Trapper Keepers
Big Hair Bows
Brat Pack
Bandana tied around one's leg
Ripped jeans
BBS (Bulletin Board Systems - Kind of like the Internet but text based )
Chuck E. Cheese
Where's the Beef
Hershey Kiss Lip Gloss
Valley Girl talk
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Teddy Ruxpin
Penny Loafers
Weird Al
American Gladiators
Lip Smackers
Goatee Beards
WWF Wrestling
Vans Tennis Shoes
Judy Blume books
Big Hair with lots of hairspray (including glam/hair metal bands)
Break Dancing
Brightly colored feather roach clips in hair
Denim Jackets
Muppet Babies
Michael Jackon type glitter gloves
Paint Pens
Ouija Boards
Having your collar up
Lace fingerless gloves (like Madonna wore)
Feathered Hair
California Raisins
Crush soda pop
Miami Vice Fashion
Weeble Wobbles
Skater Hair Cuts (lopsided haircuts)
Rainbow Brite
Hello Kitty
Koosh Balls
Wacky WallWalker
Connect Four
Scratch 'n Sniff Stickers
Leveraged Buyouts
Sticker Collections and Albums
Slip 'n Slide
"Just Say No"
Trivial Pursuit
Ray-Ban sunglasses
Tupperware Parties
Chia Pets
Alfred E.Neuman
Roller Skating Rinks
Parachute Pants
Sleeveless shirts
Sony Walkmans
Remote Control Cars
Pop Rocks
"Members Only" jackets
New Wave music
John Hughes Movies (Sixteen Candles, Breakfest Club, etc.)
Horror Movies (Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc.),
Boom Boxes / Ghetto Blasters
Big Shoulder Pads
Pee Wee Herman
Polaroid cameras
Bomb disaster drills at schools
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Garbage Pail Kids
Army Ants
The Preppy look
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
"Totally awsome!"
My Little Pony
Crocodile Dundee Hats
Sweater on Waist
'Baby on Board' Signs
Doc Marten Lace-Up Shoes (army boots)
Beauty Moles
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:41 pm
by Toucan
Parrot wrote:
Roos (Kangaroo tennis shoes)
charm necklaces
The British Invasion (U2, Duran Duran, Culture Club, A-Ha, etc)
Swatch Watches
Apple Computers
Rubik's Cube
Guys with one earring
Simon (the game)
Neon (clothings, bracelets, signs, etc.)
Sock Sweat Bands
Slap Bracelets
Hanging out at Video Arcades
Brat Pack
Ripped jeans
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Weird Al
WWF Wrestling
Vans Tennis Shoes
Break Dancing
Denim Jackets
Muppet Babies
Paint Pens
Ouija Boards
Having your collar up
California Raisins
Miami Vice Fashion
Weeble Wobbles
Skater Hair Cuts (lopsided haircuts)
Koosh Balls
Connect Four
Scratch 'n Sniff Stickers
Sticker Collections and Albums
"Just Say No" (i rebelled)
Trivial Pursuit
Ray-Ban sunglasses
Tupperware Parties
Chia Pets
Sleeveless shirts
Sony Walkmans
Remote Control Cars
New Wave music
John Hughes Movies (Sixteen Candles, Breakfest Club, etc.)
Horror Movies (Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc.),
Boom Boxes / Ghetto Blasters
Pee Wee Herman
Polaroid cameras
Garbage Pail Kids
The Preppy look
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
"Totally awsome!"
Crocodile Dundee Hats
Sweater on Waist
Doc Marten Lace-Up Shoes (army boots)
Beauty Moles
i had most of them/did most/listened to etc etc. or new someone who did (ie my mum used to throw tupperware parties)
got my 1st pair of roo's in miami actually, i was about 6 and ossessed with the fact there was a wee pouch on the side you could put money in
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:14 am
by Lores
Touc, funny, I never pictured you having a mum

Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:06 am
by Parrot
charm necklaces I wore a name plate, i would let the girlfriend of the week wear it.
The British Invasion (U2, Duran Duran, Culture Club, A-Ha, etc) Nothing wrong with these bands
Swatch Watches I loved my Swatch
Rubik's Cube I still have one they make nice paper weights
Guys with one earring I still wear one
Slinky Who didn't have one
Simon (the game) A hit of acid or two added a whole new dimension to this game
Neon (clothings, bracelets, signs, etc.) Ok it was the 80's what can I say
Slap Bracelets Same as above
Hanging out at Video Arcades Video games just started coming out, I loved pinball though
Brat Pack i loved the brat pack, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy
Ripped jeans Guess jeans
Smurfs papa smurf
Vans Tennis Shoes checker board, almost bought another pair the other day
Denim Jackets Levis baby
Having your collar up Only way to wear your Izod or Polo
Pac-Man still a classic
Miami Vice Fashion Crocket and Tubbs, I still wear Hugo Boss Sport Coats
Duck-tails we called it a rat tail
Connect Four I think I still have one of these
Skateboarding Who didn't
Ray-Ban sunglasses I still wear my wayfar today
John Hughes Movies (Sixteen Candles, Breakfest Club, etc.)Classics
Polaroid cameras Naked Pictures
The Preppy look Izods, Polos, Guess, OP, Sperry Topsiders
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabong dude
"Totally awsome!" For sure dude
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:19 am
by BenQ
Shasta soda
They dont make that anymore??
Re: What will you do with your $13 a week?
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:36 am
by Lores
Hey, I still wear Vans. But they are very subdued.
Walking on campus the other day I couldnt help but noticed how things have changed. The one thing that popped out at me was today's generation of students do not wear clothing with color! All drab gray, black, earth tones, ect. Grubby grungy looking kids. Hope they dont proceate