[ 2003 - 04 - 30Â 04:48]
Changed the Network images to suit Hubs
On the suggested setup areas I have modified pictures to suit, "Accept Hub only connections" .  This will help to get people to setup correctly before being connected. Being in hub mode allows you to be seen in Networks page for better Browsing, whilst we wait for Shareaza to get a friends list.
extra: until there is a friends list, we are hoping users will force hub mode only so as to allow better browsing visability and force leaf connections to get their setup correct before they make claims the group isn't working for them.
http://tassyp2p.tripod.com/Settings_Set ... etwork.jpg
SCWebCache G2.0.4
Improved IP detection further to get around bad web proxy servers that IT people are paid to setup properly.  The script now gets the IP from a string rather then expecting the string to be set correctly to world standards. A local web proxy was reporting a faulty tunneled IP as "unknown, 111.222.333.444"
extra: this was in place a few weeks ago but only rencently placed the script for the world users to get.
Added a Feedback Area.
We have been getting huge hits on this page so I have put a FeedBack area in, supplied by Tripod. Leave your thoughts.
extra: pity the local group is still small after the netspace unprofessional IT people caused problems with their settings. There are two known other world groups. The USA group is currently just getting off the ground an has 10 to 50 users. The indian group is over 100 I have been told.