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- n00b

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Connection reset by server
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by OdGregg » Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:16 am
Only just switched over to Netspace on Friday and have been happily sharing and using BCDC++ since then.
I just had to restart my machine this morning and when I fire up BCDC++ again I get:
Code: Select all
[10:15] *** Connecting to nstashub.no-ip.org...
[10:15] *** Connected
[10:15] *** Connection reset by server
What's the problem?
- Bilingual Blubberer

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by Sponge09 » Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:47 pm
Well I heard that netspace might have added a new ip range which hasnt been added to the hub yet and maybe your on that ip range
the other thing is you have to be sharing 5 gig or more
hope either of these help you out
- n00b

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by OdGregg » Sat Aug 02, 2003 8:45 pm
It was a problem at the server end, and my IP address hadn't changed from when I was connected earlier.
And also I think almost 50GB qualifies

- Nonsensical Pepperpot

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by Phil » Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:19 pm
This occurs when the firewall crashes - roughly every 5 or so days.
We will put up with this for a few weeks till we can move the server into PIPE with debian installed.