I'm thinking of upgrading my pc, but using most of my other components. I've been looking at "used" or older motherboards/cpu's and I'm getting the feeling that I may have to upgrade more than originally planned.
My motherboard is an Abit Nf7-s with an AMD Xp2500 Barton core cpu. I was thinking of going with another board with a faster processor, but what I'm running into is that the new boards are ddr2, whereas mine is ddr and I'd like to still be able to use my 2gigs of ddr ram. Also, I'm having trouble finding something that has a slot for AGP video vs. pci, so that I can use my graphics card too.
So, I guess what I'm looking for is a motherboard that will use ddr ram, agp graphics cards and also SATA capable too.
Any help would be appreciated!
Looking for some advice
I wouldnt bother. I'd keep saving your pennies and get yourself some RAM and Video card at the same time, then if you want to make a little cash back, sell your old system as a complete box.
You will save yourself upgrade headaches later. Especially if you need to find some RAM or an AGP card at a later stage.
You will save yourself upgrade headaches later. Especially if you need to find some RAM or an AGP card at a later stage.

Thanks for the info 
I think I'm going to buy what I've been looking at lately so that I can atleast play the game. Right now I'm on an old Dell and it is really struggling with the game
I'll save my pennies and start building a more up to date gaming machine and any advice on that would be helpful too!
Thanks for your reply kind sir!

I think I'm going to buy what I've been looking at lately so that I can atleast play the game. Right now I'm on an old Dell and it is really struggling with the game

I'll save my pennies and start building a more up to date gaming machine and any advice on that would be helpful too!
Thanks for your reply kind sir!