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- Machinating Paranoiac

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Fallout 3 Censorship Goes Global
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by Istik » Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:10 pm
Bethesda has revealed that following trouble with the ratings board in Australia, all versions of Fallout 3 will be identically censored when the game is released in October.
"We want to make sure folks understand that the Australian version of Fallout 3 is identical to both the UK and North American versions in every way, on every platform," Bethesda VP Pete Hines told Edge.
Fallout 3, a sequel expanding on Black Isle's classic PC RPG series, was initially refused classification in Australia, effectively banning the game from sale. The game was modified so that "the reward and incentive" for in-game drug use was reduced significantly and then given an MA-15+ rating.
Names for real-world drugs have also been removed from the game.
Hines asserted, "An issue was raised concerning references to real world, proscribed drugs in the game, and we subsequently removed those references and replaced them with fictional names."
Seems us Aussies got the game dumbed down for the rest of you.
I suspect the first thing modded after launch will be the drug names.

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by Toucan » Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:43 pm
you lot are on my shitlist now, along with the english and the septics
- Nonsensical Pepperpot

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by Hotblack » Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:08 pm
If any of you guys want the unadulterated version, we can work something out via paypal or something.
Fight the power!

- Machinating Paranoiac

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by Istik » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:24 am
Hotblack wrote:If any of you guys want the unadulterated version, we can work something out via paypal or something.
Fight the power!

Except there is no unadulterated version now. They are making the Australian version the global version to keep things consistent.
- Machinating Paranoiac

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by gelfling » Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:03 am
That isn't good news, however, these days I'm only worried if it's been DRM'ed

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by Alizunder » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:42 am
Bah! It is moronic, bone-headed, knee-jerk decisions like these that will expand new 'street names' for narcotics. All these feel good social-engineers did with this is add new entries to the Thesaurus worldwide. Idiots.
- Machinating Paranoiac

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by Istik » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:32 am
The only people who wont know what the fake drug real names are, are the kids so young they shouldnt be playing it anyway. Most the 15+ kids would most likely know more about drugs than their parents.
Its like the word Frak, in Battlestar Galactica. It means the same as "fuck", and everyone knows what it means, but becaue it's not "fuck", they can get it past the censors.
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by Lores » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:34 am
So, who's playing? I got the PC version.
SWG: Liamee PhocVi (Bocknock Cheflaphod inactive)
Vanguard: Lores, Lore
LOTRO: Lores, Lored, Helores, Cramps
Conan: Lores Lored
Warhammer: Lores, Lored, Reikiho, Shootist
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by eirykhi » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:03 pm
frank it all

I sneak in my own house.
It's four in the morning
I've had too much to drink
Said i was out with the boys
I creep in my bedroom
I slip into bed,
I know if i wake her,
I'll wake up dead
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by Parrot » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:32 am
That's FraK it all, you bastard !
Life's too short to drink cheap beer.