Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
- Dramatic Monarch
- Posts:443
- Joined:Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:40 am
- Location:Moon
Just wondering if this abuse specific thread is posted to purely give each other abuse, would that be okay?
As the rules are we can abuse each other but only abuse those who post that they agree to participate in the abuse, and if the abuse gets too much, or if a participant wants out of the thread. The participant only needs to post 'IM OUT' and this would mean that said participant is not to be continued to be abused on this thread.
Any thoughts?
Im not agreeing to participate at this time by posting I would actually need to put a post saying 'I PARTICIPATE' and this goes for all participants - also for the best abuse I will give 2 million creds in game to the winner just for a laugh.
As the rules are we can abuse each other but only abuse those who post that they agree to participate in the abuse, and if the abuse gets too much, or if a participant wants out of the thread. The participant only needs to post 'IM OUT' and this would mean that said participant is not to be continued to be abused on this thread.
Any thoughts?
Im not agreeing to participate at this time by posting I would actually need to put a post saying 'I PARTICIPATE' and this goes for all participants - also for the best abuse I will give 2 million creds in game to the winner just for a laugh.
Wham bam thankyou MAM.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
Something like http://www.ventpark.com is the place for that sort of thing but if you want to discuss the merits of an abuse thread without abusing each other in the thread here on this forum, go for it
Just keep it good natured.
Moved to off-topic

Moved to off-topic

"Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity."
- Sutta Nipata
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity."
- Sutta Nipata
- Dramatic Monarch
- Posts:443
- Joined:Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:40 am
- Location:Moon
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
Seems no ones interested in an international slagging match, oh well the 2 mill stays in my pocket.
Wham bam thankyou MAM.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
Flatulance wrote:Seems no ones interested in an international slagging match, oh well the 2 mill stays in my pocket.
This thread is abusive as it is cause I can't understand a damn thing your gettin at.
Whats "slagging" ?? Speak English man!
- Dramatic Monarch
- Posts:443
- Joined:Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:40 am
- Location:Moon
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
Slagging is taking the piss out of someone, kinda like the 'yo mama so fat' thing you americans do, howevere more brutal.BenQ wrote:Flatulance wrote:Seems no ones interested in an international slagging match, oh well the 2 mill stays in my pocket.
This thread is abusive as it is cause I can't understand a damn thing your gettin at.
Whats "slagging" ?? Speak English man!
Like if someone had just bought some perfume and asked you to smell it, you would say man your stinking, what you been doing, washing yourself in your mums piss, why did you buy that shit you fucking mongo. Only a spastic would think thats nice you piss stinking spazy mongo face, kinda thing
Or saying deliberate offensive stuff to make someone cry, is slagging.
Wham bam thankyou MAM.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
you all are fraken nutz 

I sneak in my own house.
It's four in the morning
I've had too much to drink
Said i was out with the boys
I creep in my bedroom
I slip into bed,
I know if i wake her,
I'll wake up dead
It's four in the morning
I've had too much to drink
Said i was out with the boys
I creep in my bedroom
I slip into bed,
I know if i wake her,
I'll wake up dead
- Dramatic Monarch
- Posts:443
- Joined:Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:40 am
- Location:Moon
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
We are not nutz, slagging someone is a daily ocurrance where I work and live its kinda taking the piss out of each other, to pass the time, and make the working day go faster. Many a laugh is had when I take the mick (take the mick means take the piss , slag another) and it can be fun. And they slag me back, the abuse I have had about being baldy is hilarious i was called a cancer victim the other day by my boss and I turned it around to imply he fancied a large 14 stone gay man like myself(I pretended to be gay, im not) and my father is undergoing chemo for cancer at the moment, so no one think im taking the piss out of cancer victims for a laugh to be a bastard, cause im living with the effects of it. ( im bigger than the last time you saw me touc, ive been working out). A slagging match doesnt mean you hate the person it actually means you like the person, cause I wouldnt slag in jest someone I didnt like. Now it becomes complicated I would slag someone I didnt like to be abusive but I dont because Im bigger than that. I only slag people I like. And have never been offended by friends or colleagues that I get on with cause it is just a laugh. and can be very funny, and make the day go faster, although I have been known to take it too far without realizing and I wont go in to that.eirykhi wrote:you all are fraken nutz
Wham bam thankyou MAM.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
Re: Abuse specific thread. ***Warning - not for the sensitive***
it's pretty much a national past time up here