Off-Topic unrelated to other forums.
- Whopping Panderer

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help, Im confused
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by BenQ » Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:41 pm
What is "Off Topic" anyways?? General Discussion and Off Topic to me is the same damn thing. Is that French??
General Discussion
General Any Topic: Chat about anything!
Off-Topic unrelated to other forums.
Really.. have I had too many drinks??
- Malefic Scintillator

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by Parrot » Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:00 pm
You make a valide point, must be French..
Life's too short to drink cheap beer.
- Machinating Paranoiac

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by Istik » Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:24 pm
BenQ wrote:What is "Off Topic" anyways?? General Discussion and Off Topic to me is the same damn thing. Is that French??
General Discussion
General Any Topic: Chat about anything!
Off-Topic unrelated to other forums.
Really.. have I had too many drinks??
Usually a General forum is for any topics (proper discussions) related to the main forum. So a General forum here would be anything fitting to the TassyP2P main forum or its subforums, unless its got its own subforum already, such as Car stuff goes in Automotive forum and help requests go in the help forum. The off topic forum is for stuff that doesnt fit within the context of this forum or any of its sub forums, which is often classed as spam type posts.
As an example, in the MOB forum, the GAT (General Any Topic), is for any topic relating to MOB, its members, or SWG. Anything non-MOB or SWG related would be posted outside that forum or in the MOB-Offtopic, if there was one.
- Overblown Windbag

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by Lores » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:29 am
Be nice to streamline this so we have less "Moved Topics"
SWG: Liamee PhocVi (Bocknock Cheflaphod inactive)
Vanguard: Lores, Lore
LOTRO: Lores, Lored, Helores, Cramps
Conan: Lores Lored
Warhammer: Lores, Lored, Reikiho, Shootist
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
- Norman Thomas 6 time US presidential candidate, famed socialist.
- Dramatic Monarch

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by Flatulance » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:02 am
Just out of curiosity Istik, do you own Tassy p2p or is it an external site of some kind, that you rent space from. Cause Im slightly confused about the fact that part of the forum is tassy p2p and under the rules of tassy p2p but part of the same site is swg specific and under your rules.
And does it mean Tasmania Player two player, cause my boss asked my what it was cause im always on the site at work, I told him its a website owned by my guild MOB in the mmorpg star wars galaxies and he looked at me funny lol and called me a geek, and ive to stop spending so much time on it. I told him it keeps my brain active during the day rather than standing staring at the wall during downtime, and it helps me get more sales cause my brains more active, but if he wants me to underperform and stare at the wall then fine. So im allowed to check it out whenever I want lol. sorry ive had 3 beers and am gibbering lol
Wham bam thankyou MAM.
Do you want to see my lollipop.
- Machinating Paranoiac

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by gelfling » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:30 pm
Off-topic is where we put the stuff that's not general or specific

"Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity."
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- Machinating Paranoiac

- Posts:3401
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by Istik » Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:49 pm
Flatulance wrote:Just out of curiosity Istik, do you own Tassy p2p or is it an external site of some kind, that you rent space from. Cause Im slightly confused about the fact that part of the forum is tassy p2p and under the rules of tassy p2p but part of the same site is swg specific and under your rules.
And does it mean Tasmania Player two player, cause my boss asked my what it was cause im always on the site at work, I told him its a website owned by my guild MOB in the mmorpg star wars galaxies and he looked at me funny lol and called me a geek, and ive to stop spending so much time on it. I told him it keeps my brain active during the day rather than standing staring at the wall during downtime, and it helps me get more sales cause my brains more active, but if he wants me to underperform and stare at the wall then fine. So im allowed to check it out whenever I want lol. sorry ive had 3 beers and am gibbering lol
Yes I own TassyP2P, but I dont own the host. The MOB forum is simply a sub-forum of the TassyP2P site.
It is possible to only use the MOB forum and hide the TassyP2P site by following the link from the MOB website. Which gives you
In actual fact, the MOB forum probably needs it's only Off-topic section, but right now there didnt seem to be much point, because the main site is rarely used by anyone else.