Common Chat Abbreviations
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - Away from keyboard
BRB - Be right back
BRT - Be right there
BTW - By the way; between
DND = Do not disturb
FUBAR - Fucked up beyond all recognition
GG - Good game
GTG - Got to go; Good to go
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IRL - In real life
LFG - Looking for a group
LFM - Looking for more (to group)
LMAO - Laughing my backside off
LOL = Laugh out loud; Lots of laughter
MT - Mistell
NP - No problem
OMFG - Oh my flipping god!
OMG - Oh my god!
OMW - On my way
OOC - Out of character
OT - Off topic
PST - Please send tell
RL - Real life
ROFL - Roll over the floor laughing
STFU - Shut the fluff up
TY - Thank you
WB - Welcome back
WTB - Want to buy
WTF - What the flip!
WTH - What the hell!
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade
YW - You're welcome
Common Game Abbreviations
AGI - Agility
AC - Armor Class
AH - Auction House
AP - Attack Power
AOE - Area of Effect
BT - Bittorrent
CE - Collector's Edition
COD - Cash on Delivery
CRIT - Critical Hit
DD - Direct Damage
DEF - Defense
DE - Disenchant
DMG - Damage
DOT - Damage Over Time
DR - Diminishing Returns
DPM - Damage Per Mana
DPS - Damage Per Second
ENE - Energy
EQ - Equipment
EULA - End User Licensing Agreement
FFA - Free For All
FH - Full Health
FM - Full Mana
FvF - Faction vs. Faction
FP - Flight Point - New
GM - Game Master; Guild Master
HOT - Heal Over Time
HP - Hit Points
IC - In Character
INC - Incoming
INS - Instant
INT - Intellect
KS - Kill Steal
KOS - Killed on Sight
LD - Link Dead
LOM - Low on Mana
LOS - Line of Sight
LVL - Level
MATS - Materials
MMO - Massively Multiplayer Online
MMOG - Massively Multiplayer Online Game
MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
MP - Mana Points
NBG - Need Before Greed
NE - Night Elf
NM or NVM - Never Mind
NPC - Non Player Character
OOC - Out of Character
OOM - Out of Mana
PBAOE - Point Blank Area of Effect
PC - Player Character
PC - Price Check
PK - Player Kill/Killer
POT - Potion
PvE - Players vs. Environment/Monsters
PvP - Players vs. Player
RES - Ressurect
RP - Role Play; Role Player; Role Playing
RPG - Role Playing Game
RR - Round Robin
SPI - Spirit
STA - Stamina
STR - Strength
TOS - Terms of Service
TP - Talent Points
UD - Undead
UI - User interface
VW - Voidwalker
WoW - World of Warcraft
XP or EXP - Experience Points
ZEP - Zeppelin
Glossary of Terms
1337 sp34k - Elite speak. Annoying speech where letters are replaced with numbers and other symbols.
Add - An extra monster that has joined an existing battle.
Alt - Alternate. A character on your account other than your main character.
Aggro - Derived from "aggresive". This means the monsters are mad at you and you've "activated" them to attack you. They are now in the motion of trying to reach and attack you.
Aggro Radius - The radius around the monsters where they will "wake up" and attack you.
AoE - Area of Effect. A spell/effect that is applied on an area, usually circular but not necessarily so.
Avatar - Your character in the game that represents you.
Battleground - An instanced battlefield where players from different factions can fight with each other fairly.
Bot - Robot. Software automaton, used to play and advance a character without human assistance or supervision.
Buff - A beneficial spell cast on a monster or player.
Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in PvP combat.
Caster - A character that stays on the back row to heal or cast spells on the enemy, such as a Mage.
Cheese - To exploit an imbalance in the game.
Combat Pets - A NPC controlled by a player, aiding that player and his teammates in fights.
Cooldown - The waiting time before a spell, item or ability can be used again.
Corpse Camping - The act of guarding a corpse to make it harder for the victim to get their corpse back.
Creep - Monster
Critters - Monsters that don't attack back, like a bunny or deer.
Curse - A Spell or effect that makes a target weaker.
DD - Direct Damage. This is a spell that does all of its damage in one hit rather than spreading its damage over time.
De-Buff - A negative spell cast on a unit that makes it less powerful.
DR - Diminishing Returns. Used to describe something that reduces slowly over time on consecutive repetitions of the same action.
Drop - Loot. An item that is obtained via monster drops (as opposed to being player-made).
Farm - To repeatedly kill the same monsters or in the same area usually with the purpose of obtaining money or specific items.
Flame - An insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger.
Gank - Gang Killing. Also used to mean bullying of lower level players in PvP or to kill a player while he is engaged with a monster.
GM - Game Master. Someone employed by Blizzard Entertainment to assist and help players. They are identified with <GM> in front of their names.
GM - Guild Master. The default name of the rank given to the leader of a guild.
Grief - Actions taken to be annoying or to spoil the game experience of someone else.
Griefer - A person who purposely tries to annoy or anger other players.
Grinding - Staying in the same area fighting the same types of monsters for a very long time.
Hate - Similar to threat
Hearthstone - An item that can be used once per hour to teleport you to your Home point.
Home - The location tied to your Hearthstone, changable only by talking to an innkeeper.
Hostile - Applied to mean that an enemy has the capability to initiate combat with you.
Hybrid - A class that is a mixture or combination of 2 or more classes. For example, a Druid can be viewed as a Warrior/Rogue/Priest hybrid.
Incoming (INC) - This means an attack is coming.
Instance - Area of the game that is for you and your party alone.
Kiting - A style of combat in which a player continually stays out of combat range of an enemy usually by running from it, while simultaneously causing damage to it.
Kill Steal (KS) - Taking a kill off someone by inflicting the killing blow.
Lag - Refers to slow game response times. The cause can be graphical based (weak graphics card), internet based (ping), system based (lack of memory, virtual memory), server based (overloaded server) or usually some combination of each.
Link Dead (LD) - A player who has actually lost connection to the game server, but his character is still in the game and has not timed out yet. This results in "A character with that name already exists" error when trying to reconnect to such a character.
Loot - To take the treasure from a monster that has been killed or from a chest.
Macro - A series of commands that are configured to be executed together with one button press.
Materials (MATS) - Items and components used in a recipe to make a final product.
Mez - Short for Mesmerize. Refers to spells, such as Polymorph that temporarily incapacitate a target.
Mob - Mobile. A computer-controlled character (NPC). Now generally used to mean any computer controlled enemy. This term is singular (Mobs is plural), and is not to be confused with the English word "mob" which means a large disorderly crowd.
Mod - Modification to a game, either through available tools or by outright hacking, in order to change the game from its original form.
Named - A special monster that is usually stronger than surrounding monsters with possibil special abilities and item drops. Identified with a silver border portrait in WoW.
NBG - Need Before Greed, a looting system in WoW where items are distributed to players in a party according to need.
Newbie - A new player. Sometimes used negatively to imply a weak player.
Nerf - A negative change; to downgrade or weaken something.
Ninja - To try to loot an item without other players knowing or paying attention. Basically, to take an item without permission.
NPC - Non player-controlled character. The characters are controlled by the server and can be both friendly (shopkeeper) or hostile (monster).
Nuke - A spell that can inflict a large amount of damage quickly.
Patch - A downloadable update that fixes bugs, improves stability and introduces new features to a program.
PC - Player controlled character
Pet - A NPC controlled by a player such as a Wolf, Infernal, and so on.
Ping - The amount of time it takes for data to travel from your computer to the server AND back. This is usually measured in milliseconds.
Ping - To click on the minimap, indicating to your party members a location on the map.
Proc - Activate. Example: A weapon with a special effect will "proc" every so often. (Process)
Pull - Selectively start combat with a Mob, usually with a ranged attack, and then leading this Mob back to a safer area in order to separate them from other potentially hostile Mobs that are nearby.
Puller - Person who pulls Mobs for the party.
PvE - Player vs. Environment. Combat between players and computer controlled opponents.
PvP - Player vs. Player. Combat between players.
Queue - A system where if a realm is overloaded, subsequent players trying to log on will be queued up in a first come first serve basis and allowed to log on only when existing players log out.
Raid - A raid is a large-scale attack on an area by a group of players.
Realm - A server(s) that hosts a copy of the game. Each and every realm is distinct and seperate from all others and there are completely no interactions between them.
Regen - Regenerate. To obtain HP and mana back via food and drink.
Repop (POP) - Repopulation. Refers to the re-spawn of monsters.
Re-Spawn - A monster that has been killed has spawned (been created) again.
Rest (state) - An indicator of how tired a character is, which affects how much experience is gained from killing monsters.
Re(s/z) - Ressurect. To come back from the dead, usually with some kind of penalty attached.
Ritual - A spell or event that requires multiple players to cast/activate.
Roll - To roll a random number to determine who has the right to get an item.
Root - To trap a target in place so that it cannot move. The target may still attack.
RP - Role Playing; Role Player; Role Play. To act, behave and talk in a way as though you are the character you are controlling.
RPG - Role Playing Game. A game where players are able to Role Play the character that they are controlling.
Rushing - Being dragged through a part of the game by someone of much higher level than you with the specific purpose of exploiting xp reward loopholes.
Shard - Soul Shard. An item gained by the Warlock through Soul Draining, used to cast several spells such as Ritual of Summoning and to conjure Soulstones.
Small Pets - Non-Combat Pets. An animal following the player around that does not doing anything else.
Snare - Refers to spells and abilities that slow down or completely stop a target's movement.
Spam - unelicited emails in large quantities; rapidly repeated scrolling text.
Spawn - The location or process of monsters (or items) appearing when they are created in the world.
Stack - A number of identical items placed in a single inventory slot, to conserve space. Only certain items can be stacked.
Tank - A melee character that can take a lot of damage like a Warrior. Often used to mean the player that should hold aggro.
Tap - To do damage to a monster, making it "your" kill. Once you have damaged the monster, you and your party are the only players able to get experience and loot from it. A monster with a greyed-out name bar has been tapped by another player and will not earn you experience or loot.
Taunt - Related to Aggro. An ability that allows a player to pull the attention of a monster off of another player and on to himself.
Threat - Related to Aggro. All enemies (NPCs) maintain a hate list of players that have recently done aggressive actions on it and will attack (Aggro) the target that it considers to be the most threatening.
Ticket - A text message that is submitted to the GMs via the in-game system and is waiting for GM response.
Train - To lead monsters into another player. This is not a desired behavior.
Troll - The act of using words or posts designed to attract predictable responses or flames; also used as a noun to refer to a person that trolls.
Twink - A low level character who has been made more powerful by higher level characters, usually by getting stronger armor and weapons than the character would normally have at such a low level.
Ãœber - German slang for 'super', originally meaning 'over'; exceptionally powerful.
UI - User interface. Refers to the controls, buttons and on-screen elements by which the player interacts with the game world.
Vendor Trash - An item that only a vendor/merchant would buy.
Wimpy - A behaviour describing a monster that runs away when it is low on health.
Zerg - From StarCraft, to attack something with a lot of players/units.
General abreviations and glossary
Last edited by Anach on Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Use of undefined constants causes assumptions!
Thought i'd add these too (Thanks to Gelf)....
We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons"
Well, how about some "ASSICONS?"
Here goes:
(_!_) a regular ass
(__!__) a fat ass
(!) a tight ass
(_*_) a sore ass
{_!_} a swishy ass
(_o_) an ass that's been around
(_x_) kiss my ass
(_X_) leave my ass alone
(_zzz_) a tired ass
(_E=mc2_) a smart ass
(_$_) Money coming out of his ass
(_?_) Dumb Ass
We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons"
Well, how about some "ASSICONS?"
Here goes:
(_!_) a regular ass
(__!__) a fat ass
(!) a tight ass
(_*_) a sore ass
{_!_} a swishy ass
(_o_) an ass that's been around
(_x_) kiss my ass
(_X_) leave my ass alone
(_zzz_) a tired ass
(_E=mc2_) a smart ass
(_$_) Money coming out of his ass
(_?_) Dumb Ass
Use of undefined constants causes assumptions!

I see those in guild chat from time to time and wondered what they were. Of course being so innocent I didn’t pick up on it for aaaaaaaaaaages and had no idea there were so many.

"Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity."
- Sutta Nipata
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity."
- Sutta Nipata
- Overblown Windbag
- Posts:910
- Joined:Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:34 pm
- Location:Socialist Republic of America
Ah yeah, um, seems the FUBAR one is wrong. (_E=MC2_) I am 

SWG: Liamee PhocVi (Bocknock Cheflaphod inactive)
Vanguard: Lores, Lore
LOTRO: Lores, Lored, Helores, Cramps
Conan: Lores Lored
Warhammer: Lores, Lored, Reikiho, Shootist
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
- Norman Thomas 6 time US presidential candidate, famed socialist.
Vanguard: Lores, Lore
LOTRO: Lores, Lored, Helores, Cramps
Conan: Lores Lored
Warhammer: Lores, Lored, Reikiho, Shootist
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
- Norman Thomas 6 time US presidential candidate, famed socialist.